Thursday, October 16, 2008

Paradox from hell Pt 1

I woke up in the break of whatever time I woke up to the noise of tools. What could Romana in her right mind be doing? Was all I could think. I had told her not to touch the TARDIS and as I walkedinot the control room with my niffty Jam Jams I saw her opperating the machine. " that even possible? Aren't you all greedy and all wanting power now?"
The to my surprise she came out from under the machinery with the most akwardly akward glasses I've ever seen. "It's called reading Doctor and I know everything there is to know about concals ever since I got tripples in TARDIS repair."
I rolled my eyes. Simply Romana.
"So are you done jiggery pokering with my TARDIS?"
"What?" She replied taking off her glasses and rolling her eyes, "and I thought wibbily wobbily timey wimey was bad..but jiggery pocker Doctor.."
"Well is it done?"
"Yes it is.."
"Shall we be off then?"
"Yes Doctor as soon as you get out of your Pajamas."
"Of course." I replied sliding my hand through my hair.
Anyways so we drive the TARDIS yada yada and to my surprise when I opened the door I saw a familiar place.
"ROmana!" I screamed giving her glare.
She walked up and looked outside and then at me, "What Doctor."
"Do you have any idea what you've just done?"
"Fixed the TARDIS?" She replied.
"Yes exactly."
"And do have any idea where we're at." I asked and for the first time in my lives I saw her make a complete Oxymoron expression at me. I would keep that imagae in my mind for centuries.
"For the first time in my life Doctor I might say..........Alternate's highly simular to Our universe's Earth but like E-space it is compley different." She replied ruining the one moment that I actually though I had won.
"but do you know that standing right in front of your face is a Mr.Tyler, ROse tyler and DoctorDonna." I asked looking at the three peoples faces.
"Oh I wondered why that man looked like you..but it is quite rude to call him DoctorDonna."
I rolled my eyes. Why had my TARDIS brought me here of all place.
"Romana I have a feeling that you just.."
before I could finish she inturpted, "Caused a hole in the both universes? No Doctor I installed a cartridge from the presidential TARDIS into your TARDIS and well you get the picture."
I blinked a couple of times before I heard Rose's voice, "You can't be's physically imposible.." I blinked a copule of times and she looked at Romana, "Who's that woman?"
I blinked a few more times with my hands in my pockets, "This is Romana."
"Oh," Rose replied looking at human Doctor and then back to the floor, "Doctor is that Rose?" Romana asked.
I could say no more...
The Doctor

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